Reconnecting – “They shared a crimson smile and just walked away, and left the secret at the grave!”



Artist: Carrie Underwood

Song: Two Black Cadillacs

Album: Blown Away (2012)


There was once upon a time when American Idol was actually authentic and made sense and I loved it, during that time I came across Carrie Underwood in season 4 and I loved her from that point onward, all through the show and all through her career afterward. She has such a pure and powerful voice and listening to this song yesterday I was reminded again of just how much in love I am with this woman! she is epicly cool!

I am on a long holiday from school and kids, due to Eid (yes, we have two in a year!) and so I’ve had some time to reconnect with my books and my shows and my music, so I suppose it is a good thing I’m watching The Voice season 5 then, ya? I’m enjoying this week a lot and it would almost be a shame to go back to that routine life, but I can’t complain as I have really grown to love the little Rugrats that are my students and I would love to see their faces again! (I bet I regret this line two periods in to school on Monday! :p ) But till then, I still have 3 days to enjoy and that is exactly what I plan to do. So while I am indulging myself in Carrie Underwood (this song literally gives me goosebumps), why don’t you do the same… and have a good day wherever you are! 😀 ❤


Old and new worries! – “Every thing that kills me makes me feel alive, everything that drowns me makes me wanna fly!”



Artist: One Rebuplic

Song: Counting Stars

Album: Native (2013)


So its been a pretty downer week for this pathetic little girl! firstly, its a week full of old memories, a couple of years ago this was the most beautiful time in my life… and two years later, it’s still pretty good but missing that one essential component that was all I had back then! To top this dilemma off, my best friend in the whole wide world… the one you all previously read about in this blog post: [] has gone across the world to her husband for a month… and while I’m whoppi for her, I have absolutely no idea what to do with my self! Coz I don’t branch out, and any given time in my life there is only one person I text constantly… and now my phone is staring silently at me, and all attempts of acquiring backup bff’s have thus far been unfruitful.

Surprisingly, the little kids in my life, my students, have made things easy for me. They are really not that bad at times… when they actually sit down and pay attention and do brilliant things like put up creative and genius plays that make my heart melt or get a really tricky concept! Don’t tell them… but I kinda love them too much! 😀 ❤

So when I can’t bitch and whine about my silly little mood swings to a close friend…. I do it on the world wide web! Here’s to old memories and happy best friends and trouble-but-at-times-adorable kids and to everyone being happy, where ever they are in the world! Here’s my gift to you all: One Republic… You’re welcome! 😀


Officially a Teacher! – “I won’t always love what I’ll never have, I won’t always live in my regrets!”



Artist: Jimmy Eat World

Song: 23

Album: Futures (2004)


So its been a while since I’ve posted anything….. hi, how are you?? I am a different person than I was last time I checked in, I have almost fully transformed into a teacher!. Now any romantic notions you have about teaching are mostly never true… It was not what I expected. First of all, little angel of students, never in your life! they are hyper active 9 year old girls who are not used to the formal setting of education yet… they have too much energy to sit still and run around and ask tooooooooo many damn questions! I’m 24 and I feel frikkin’ old in front of them, they exhaust me to my limit. Second, I feel like a mommy! to kids I never want to have. They want me to fix their uniform and tie their hair and hold my hand and what not! I’m too young to be a mommy! MAKE IT STOP!!!! Third, I am days away from instinctively going”Shhhh!” every time I hear a loud noise, cause that is my most frequently used… whatever it is called! Also, when kids start imitating me, like they do with their teachers, my catch phrase will be “you! what’s wrong??” Fourth, checking their work is a grammatical nightmare…. its like I do the same assignment 33 times over… TWICE! (cause I teach two sections of the same grade!) and Fifth, my day is now incomplete without walking corridors and having kids yell “Ms. Shamain!” and waving at me. Yes, kids are loud and difficult to handle, but this job is not without rewards, cause sometimes when you see that light go on in someones brain as they get a concept, or you read a spectacular poetry someone wrote as an assignment, your heart just melts and immediately you have love for all these kids who at time do feel like my own babies and at times I am happy to be like their Mama… I guess you take the good days and the bad days and try not to let this job turn to into a Stern-freak!

So, after a long rant about what I didn’t want to rant about (my job!), we come to the music… I pretty much have my earphone glued to my ears on my way and back from school, but I am seriously lacking a new collection of songs! Instead, I’m raving over old favorites… and this is one of them! So have a good day wherever you are!! 🙂


A Kid Teaching Kids! “Mama always told me that I should play nice, she didn’t know you when she gave me that advice!”



Artist: The Band Perry

Song: DONE

Album: Pioneer (2013)


How’s it going? I hope everyone everywhere is happy. I recently went from being long unemployed to becoming a Teacher! yay! I’ve had two days of work, teaching children of grade 4 and 5 and it has been BAD! You know how you see movies like The Emperors Club and you think you will be some kick-ass teacher who will command respect and change peoples lives…. ya, that does not happen when you’re teaching 9-11 year olds! First of all, kids are hyper! and they are loud! and they are excited about everything! and they are whiny! I entered the class and was met with questions about my name, age, my subject, and then quickly objected to when I wanted to begin the actual teaching…. by the time I was through 2 periods I was physically and mentally exhausted! (and I had told a class to SHUT UP!)

The second day was better, and I find compensation in one class, My class, as I am their class teacher – grade 4-B. The kids are amazing, they are smart and intelligent and creative and brilliant. They seem just as starstruck by me as I am by them. I love each and every one of the 33 kids in that class and they seem to make my day happier. I still have no idea what I’ve gotten myself into, but I’m thinking with time it will be better!

So the girl who too much time on her hand has suddenly found herself busy with the holiday celebrations and then a hundred thousand wedding functions, reading an incredibly long but ridiculously amazing novel (The Fountainhead), her job and plans for the job! and also, the insomniac is sleeping through the night! what a miracle!!! Here’s to better days, and to growing up and accepting the harsh realities of the job! and forever, to music! Enjoy this one folks, especially dedicated to someone I used to know! ❤


“Push and shove against the thoughts you left me with, of every picture of regret, my expectation!”



Artist: Armin Van Buuren Feat. Fiora

Song: Waiting for the Night

Album: Intense (2013)


Hello hello, it’s been a while. I have, for a change, had a very productive week… as it was the first at my new job. Teaching is not an easy task and if I had any qualms about being awesome at it, I was soon corrected. It has been a tough and difficult week as I was made familiar with the rest of the staff and the basic duties being a teacher would involve.

I spent the week getting familiar with the nooks and crannies of my very small class. I sat in the small chairs and rearranged the tiny desks a thousand times. I then moved on to designing the board in the class, i had to theme it around my course of the term (charlie and the chocolate factory for grade 4 and The wizard of oz for 5). I then also designed the course breakup for second term and filled out my teachers diary, came up with an ice breaking activity for the first day back… a game called toxic river designed to promote team work. I also wrote out a short play which my kids will perform in an assembly sometime in september. And finally I was given the list of the 32 kids that will be in my class (class 4-b, whose class teacher I am!) the other two classes I don’t know about yet… but these kids, I already love… I’m already proud of! I can’t wait to meet them.. I memorized their names and everything!

I’m now back on break! But these week was amazing… it felt good to be part of a team again, and the way these teachers already expected so much of me and respected me made me feel so grown up and good about myself… as much as I’d like to stay immature I guess part of me will have to grown up for this job! I look forward to going back in August!

I was going to post this yesterday, but I was distracted by Tomorrowland, a live showing on youtube of the Armin Van Buuren concert… now if you don’t already know how much I love Armin let me tell you… I FREAKIN LOVE HIM!!! i literally am having convulsions when I watch his videos, it’s the weirdest thing… also very strange following the responsible adult comment above! so I saw him doing a live set via youtube yesterday… and he had come straight from the hospital coz he just had a baby boy! he had tears in his eyes and was joyful and it was rainign and the whole thing looked fabulous, i wish I could’ve been there. So today, my love for Armin is a tiny degree even more than it normally is… and I have listening to his songs (and shrieking) for a while now! He made me a trance-convert!

So for the love of Armin… have a good day! 😀


New Experiences

Hi there beautiful folks, I’m getting very irregular with this blog and I have no excuse… I’m lazy!! :S

But anyway, I’m really tired at the moment as I am fasting and I didn’t sleep all night long and I had to wake up early to go to… my first day of work! that’s right, I’m officially earning an honest living from today. It was amazing… I didn’t get to teaching today as the kids are still on holiday but I got to meet all the teachers, I got my books and my supplies and I got my class… apparently Ima be a class teacher to grade 4 section B (which was my own class when I was a student at that very own school!) I had a class teachers meeting, a collective teachers meeting, then a meeting with the english head and a meeting with a fellow teacher who is supposed to help me prepare the kids for a small presentation! there were circulars upon circulars and things flying over my head. 

But in short, I have one class to my self… of which I am incharge, but I will be teaching 3 classes overall… two grade 4 and one grade 5. I have 7 periods in a week for each class… which is a total of 21 overall… phew! and I have to maintain a diary and the attendance register and design the curriculum and what not… ooh, and I’m also incharge of news and updates for the whole school… so basically, work load hit me full force today and I am happy and excited and looking forward. The best was my own teachers coming up to me and hugging me and they were so proud they kept telling other teachers that I’m a former student… overall, it was a good day. 

So I’m really hungry and tired and sleepy and thirsty right now, so I’m in no mood for a song, but cassadee pope did come out with a video for the single I wrote about earlier… so thats for today! enjoy folks! 


“Someday we’ll know why Samson loved Delilah, one day I’ll go dancing on the moon…Someday you’ll know that I was the one for you!”

Artist: New Radicals

Song: Someday We’ll Know

Album: Maybe You’ve Been Brainwashed Too (1998)

Today is a good day and many reasons owe to the big goofy grin on my face. First of all, Happy Birthday to my older sister, we don’t really get along and seriously she is horrible and mean and really not supportive… but all jokes aside, I love her loads (can’t help it!) and I always look up to her and admire her for her strength and confidence. Though she made me wish her on the world wide web (hehe) the sentiments are real: HAPPY BIRTHDAY VARDA!!

Second reason for why I smile: I am no longer unemployed (and the world should applaud coupled with a standing ovation right about here) it was a bad and grueling few months while I sat home feeling useless, but when one dream ends you go after another… so I chased my “Someday I will…” dream and am now… A TEACHER! I’m stoked and sharing this news with the blogging world first. I am gonna be the worst role model and it will be a miracle to not swear infront of little kids but I am gonna try my hardest and be an inspiration to those 10 year olds just like my teachers were for me… the best part is, I’m am gonna be a teacher at my old school itself, I can’t wait to walk those halls again only this time on the other end of the spectrum.

So that’s all my news today… I’m happy as can be (now all I need is Cassadee Pope hair!) This song today is a dedication to my my sister, as I gave her a list to choose from and this is the song she chose… and it is also a feel good song for me, as I was listening to it when I got my amazing news! Enjoy it people! ❤