“So I took your hand back through lamp-lit streets and knew, Everything led back to you!”

Song: All of the Stars

Artist: Ed Sheeran

Album: OST The Fault in Our Stars


So a little while ago, on one of my usual trips to my book store, the guy who works there pushed my insistently towards this new “IN” author John Green, who was “All the rage” and books were “Flying off the shelves”. Being the avoider of trend that I am, I opted t that moment not to buy the book, but a few weeks later curiosity got the best of me and I found myself at another book store buying all 5 John Green books altogether.

I started reading with The Fault in Our Stars, and a few chapters in, I had become a convert, a part of “nerd-hero” cult. I binged read all of his books, read up on him, joined all his pages and became a big, big fan. It was around the perfect time too, with the movie coming soon.

All of the words I fell in love with just combine perfectly with all the trailers and songs and the whole story on screen. I am already crying like an idiot every time I see a trailer or a soundtrack video or anything else, and I’m ALSO willing to sacrifice the opening day of the WORLD CUP to go see the movie. I’m excited, pumped, eager to watch and a major Ed Sheeran fan, so this song is dedicated to just everything that is so perfect about this writer, this movie, this book and the song… and the singer!

Have a good day, people! πŸ™‚



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